What makes a difference between infrastructure and a well-architected infrastructure in cloud? The answer is simple – security, reliability, performance optimization, cost effectiveness. DevOps best practices, well-structured and loose coupled services, properly designed CI/CD pipelines and well-isolated environments convert technical stack into achieved business goals – zero downtime, agile development, secure environment. Do you want to get started? Good chance to rely on architecture design services and build a solid basis of your IT infrastructure.
Cloud modernization is the practice of updating older software for newer computing approaches, including newer languages, frameworks and infrastructure platforms. This practice is also sometimes called legacy modernization or legacy application modernization. It is the software development equivalent of renovating an older home to take advantage of improvements to efficiency, safety, structural integrity and so forth. Rather than retiring an existing system or replacing it wholesale, legacy modernization extends the lifespan of an organization’s applications while also taking advantage of technical innovations.